What is the point of eating seeded bread rolls? How is opening the packet and being covered head to foot in seeds a healthy option? Interesting that this was never an issue under a Labour Government.
Saturday and we're on the Southbank with a few hours to roam before we go to the BFI. Two teenage girls, obviously fed up of the march, their banners pointing downwards, are eating ice cream. Further along the banks is a table with a cat basket on top. A girl, crouched under the table, has her head sticking up into the basket and her face painted with whiskers to make her look like a cat (not dissimilar to the one above). She purrs as we walk past, and as we put money into her bowl, confusingly, she starts to bark. Strange days have found us.
Later as we walk past Trafalgar Square, it looks like the protesters are settling in for a night of partying, drums beating and people chanting. We head up the road to an Italian ice cream parlour.
On the tube, a man with a Rubik's cube asks an audience, who are either returning from late night shopping or heading out for a night on the town, to mess it up for him so he can show off his Rubik powers. This is dutifully done and he tap dances as he twists and turns the cube. A protester with a tambourine gets on at the next stop and shakes along to his tap dancing. After a lot of tap dancing he stops and says he can't do it. The doors open and he makes his exit.
After this the tube is fairly subdued as we carry on towards home.