Sunday 28 October 2012

The clocks go back

Hello, I thought I should get back in touch, it's been a long while. I'm enjoying the extra hour we get from the clocks going back at this time of year. You can't beat lying in bed till half past nine, then putting the clock back to find you're getting up at a nice respectable time for a Sunday. The church bells on the hill were ringing when I got up, it's impossible to get up before them. If you succeed you may as well become a bell ringer. 

I decided I wanted a doing kind of day and went for a run this morning. I bought this new PE kit in July and frankly it's not been out the drawer much since. It was cold out and I thought I'd be the only one out. On the meadow the dog walkers were out and about as usual. I run past a guy putting a bag of footballs in his car boot. Continuing to the park, it's pretty busy with dog walkers here too.

It's been a weekend of good food, I made rye bread Friday night with carrot and coriander soup and then waited for Tracy to come through the door after a works party. I could have gone out too but these cold nights are making me want to head for home. Today we make bruschetta and victoria sponge. I've also found the juicer my Mum bought me one Christmas and have been serving up fruit and veg smoothies. At first I tried to make one in the food blender, feeding through carrot and rhubarb. It didn't produce one drop of juice though, just very finely chopped veg. 

Work is looming, we need more time off work, maybe I could put the clocks back another hour, or a day.