I admit my car sits largely neglected near my flat, but I'm loath to get rid of it; we've had some good times, my car and me. Besides it used to belong to my Grandad and it's nice to see it outside of a morning. I take it for a drive once a week so it doesn't feel too neglected.
London is going by bus or tube to an unexplored part of the city, to meet a friend at a pub, or a street or a station, and spending forever trying to find them. Then there's the getting back across the city, getting on a late night tube alone, sitting in a carriage with other people sitting alone, making the weary journey home.
I miss the randomness of smaller places. It's so rare you bump into someone you know.
Walking up a hill and stumbling upon a familiar object; another postman's red trolley. Are the letters still inside, Boris? One day I'll stop for a breather and find myself an interesting letter to read. Then I'll write them a letter back and ask them to meet me.
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