Is this man in a light blue tracksuit the greatest character on TV ever? Is this the reason John Logie Baird came up with his invention? Possibly not, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of hyperbole. Surely though, we're in agreement that when Flip turns up in the first episode of This is England '86, with his totally rubbish learner motorbike gang it's one of the funniest scenes on TV we've seen this year. What can be a worse plan than trying to get a girl to go out with you by sending someone round her house to call her a fat dog, so you can rush to her defence. I myself have learnt from this scene and won't be applying that technique again.
The whole first episode was brilliant though, from the slow motion scene where Sean is leaving school, ruined in the next moment by his Mum turning up to meet him, to Gadget's silly ninja roll in the graveyard. I told everyone it was the best comedy ever, only to have it take a decidedly dark turn in the second episode. I may write to Mr Meadows and ask him to give Flip his own spin off comedy series. It'll be the second ever official type letter I've written, the first showing my disgust at the suggestion that the fabulous Radio 6 should be closed.
I don't understand people who say there's nothing on TV these days. TV is as it's always been: 90% rubbish and 10% quality, which is exactly how it should be. If TV was brilliant all the time we'd never leave the house. Mind you people who say TV is rubbish tend to stay in and watch it every night, and when you point out a good programme to them they've never heard of it, and usually they refuse to watch it. Some people are determined to never enjoy themselves.
Rumour has it there's to be another series of This is England set in 1990, and will capture the days of raves. I can't wait, let's go raving.
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