How are the new year's resolutions going? Yes, me neither. I like new year's resolutions though, like the start of a new year. It's good to shake off the old one. 2010 was good though. I think I've got about seven resolutions. The only one I've done anything about yet is Photography, I've enrolled on a course that starts in the summer. The course states it's for people with some knowledge of Photography. So I better get revising before then, I don't know what half the functions on my camera do. But it will be good to learn to take some decent pictures. I take about 200 photos on holiday and end up with around 3 good ones. It's hard to take good photos of people though, because as soon as they see the camera they pull a stupid face.
The thing with resolutions and focussing is that lesser ideas nag at me. For instance last weekend I got a bee in the bonnet about watching the IT Crowd, you know that programme that's always on. However, it wasn't showing all weekend so the idea grew. Then Adam posted on Facebook that he was spending the evening watching the IT Crowd. This was written in a kind of, 'I wish I was going out enjoying myself but I'm too tired,' kind of way. But by this time the option had grown in my mind as the best thing you could possibly do. I decided to check out HMV in Hampstead to see what episodes were available, how much, etc. I got there to find the shop had closed down. This created an incredible need in me and the second I finished work I rushed to Oxford Street and bought the first three series. The bee in my bonnet was resolved. Apparently this phrase originated from the saying 'to have bees in ones head'.
I'm feeling the pinch, my pockets are empty and the bees in my head have to be ignored.
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