This is out of order, I've just shaken off one cold only to wake with a sore throat this morning. Oy immune system, look; carrots, Berlotti Beans, zinc and other goodness coming your way. Now do your job.
Talking of doing your job, one of the escalators at King's Cross has been broken for around 5 months. They used to fix it on a Sunday, then two days later it would be broken. They stopped bothering with that after a while. Probably had to spend the next three months dealing with the administration. Passing through King's Cross means having to queue to get on the escalator every work day. As I went through this evening I noticed they'd fixed it. But the middle escalator doesn't work now. That kind of sums up the uselessness of England. Are we officially a third world country? Let's move to Memphis. No, seriously, what have we to enjoy here? Broken escalators, crappy weather, nasty government.
When I was young and ridiculed for going to the library I just thought these kids were idiots. Now I realise they were tories in the making. So you see the situation was worse than my young mind perceived. I remember on the radio one lonely night, a girl wrote in from Chichester ( i think), and said she hung around the library by the J D Salinger books. I fell for her immediately. Chichester wasn't so far away, maybe she was a migratory library dweller? The following day I went to my local library to check out the girls by the J D Salinger books. She wasn't there. Oh well. Libraries are still great places.
OK, I'm off to find a healthy drink so my immune system has no excuses.
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