It was Reading weekend. Did any of you go? I didn't, I watched Pulp on TV and for a minute I wanted to be there, I wanted to be in the crowd, lost in the music and the performance and the night air, drunk on summer cider. It's a great feeling that, the real world does feel very far away and boy is that a good feeling. You feel that you're having this great epiphany and the world will have changed by the time you return. But then the real world comes and smothers you, you're back at work and you have to be all sensible. You certainly aren't encouraged to rant on like this. But maybe to get these thoughts you have to be 19, but I'm not, I'm 41 so I watched it on TV.
We saw Pulp in Hyde Park a few months back. Should we feel guilty about such nostalgia? No way, it was fantastic, and it was in a weekend that we managed three great nostalgia gigs, Pulp, Dinosaur Jr performing 'Bug',and the Flaming Lips performing 'The Soft Bulletin'. The Flaming Lips, now there's a performance.
I may leave the house soon in my slippers and see if the car will start. Bu then again,Tracy connected her PC to the TV so we can watch i-player and on-demand, so maybe I'll do that instead. It's Bank Holiday, we can do what we like.
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