Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Postcard from Ramsgate

Friday night, we take the fast train from St Pancras and an hour and a half later we’re on the promenade amongst the faded seaside glamour of Ramsgate. Georgian houses facing the sea, a grand Victorian lift that may or may not take you to the beach, a chip shop that urges you to use the bins provided. Not bins provided by the chip shop but the ones on the opposite side of the road, supplied by the council.

We’re here to see Jeffrey Lewis at Ramsgate Music Hall, a fabulous little venue that at full capacity holds 120 people. Upstairs is a cosy bar with a glass display of old tape recorders, and big sofas from which you can also view the gig on a screen if you so wish. We watch downstairs; Jeffrey Lewis is stunning this evening, the sound amazing and the cider upstairs a treat.

Despite the rundown feel of the place - the fight that happens in broad daylight up a side street in town, and the problem that we don’t have any of the tattoos required to fit in with the general ambience, everyone we speak to is friendly to us. We must be radiating that holiday vibe. The guy who runs the venue is surprised at how far we’ve come and chats to us about the venue and the bands. I persuade him to try and book the Vaselines. The next day, at the Ice Cream parlour, the guy serving us decides we should get flakes for free because “we deserve it”, having deservedly ordered ice cream and tried for free the fabulous blood orange sorbet.

Later we’re wandering past a junk shop under the arches by the harbour when we spy a blue folding bike outside, with a £45 price tag. We offer to buy it immediately but the guy doesn’t take cards. He tells me where the cashpoint is and tells me to travel there on the bicycle I’m yet to buy. We’re not in London anymore.

On the train we take up four seats, two for us and two for the new bike. The ticket inspector turns up and has no issue with our use of seats. Infact, I think he positively likes it. Later we see him at St Pancras station getting some tea before he heads back, and he waves and says hello. Then he invites us to the Broadstairs Charles Dickens festival in August.

See you soon Ramsgate.  

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