Closer to home, I've decided I wear too much black. I only wear black shirts to work and I have loads of black t-shirts, yet I can't remember buying one of them. I have pale blue t-shirts, a bright red and a few stripey t-shirts, but I keep going back to black. I need more colour in my life. On Sunday I went shopping and bought a green t-shirt and new dark denim jeans. They had their first wear today. It felt good wearing something new and in colour. I need to sort my shoes out - I've been wearing very dull shoes of late. I also need to lose weight, I'm 12 stone. I'm not sure how all of this happened.
The whole new clothes thing though had something to do with Saturday. Every year my Mum's side of the family has a beach day and we all meet in Goring, Worthing. I turned up in - yes - a black un-ironed t-shirt and my slightly dilapidated walking shoes. Everyone else looked like they'd bought their clothes especially the day before. Not a crease in sight.
I've just hung up my clean laundry; colourful t-shirts hanging on the rack. They look so good there, so fresh and clean; it's going to be hard not to reach for the black shirts again tomorrow.
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