Sunday, 12 July 2009

MOT blues and the blue shirt that can't be ironed

I don't use my car much but when I do I love it. Driving across London is a great way to travel. I don't really head into the centre but I can recommend the drive from Belsize Park, through Hampstead, up through Highgate, Muswell Hill and on to Bounds Green to feed Tracy's cats. It's all on the hill overlooking London and every now and then you get panoramic views across the city (very hard to photograph while driving though, so I've resorted to this one of a street in Hampstead). My MOT is looming so I'm making the most of the car before they tell me it's unfit for the road. Last Sunday night I drove that way with Radio 2 playing Benny Goodman and all that big band stuff. It was a warm Summer's evening and the music was helping chase away the Monday morning blues.

This morning I was playing Jeffrey Lewis, who is fantastic. The thing I like about cars is it's just about the only place you can sing really loudly. With no traffic near you, you can really lose your inhibitions. You can almost forget that everyone is away this weekend and it might be Monday morning before I have another conversation with someone.

Back home I try to iron my blue shirts but they refuse to be ironed. In the end I give up and put the shirt on a hanger with more creases than it started with. Some tasks seem nigh on impossible. For instance, putting duvet covers on. Women find it easy but it sure don't make no sense to me. Monday morning is looming again. Better put on the Benny Goodman songs.

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