The community police officer in Regent's Park is proving very community spirited. He calls over to me asking if I'm having a good day. I go over to speak to him partly because I think he suspects me of something. Disappointed that he doesn't, I feel like saying something like: 'Yes, but your presence is making it very hard for me to sell my poor quality drugs to unsuspecting tourists'. I don't though, we just talk about parks and then he mentions something about my eyes being blue and I make my excuses and leave.
On Marylebone High Street I notice the ambulance service has gone so green they are operating by bike (see picture above) instead of ambulance. I wait around for a while to see what they'd do if they have to stretcher anyone off somewhere, but there's nothing doing so I make my way towards Primrose Hill.
The Weatherman has predicted rain again tomorrow. Could be a good day for golf.
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