The confetti, the giant red and yellow balloons, the lasers, the lead singer rolling about the audience in a giant bubble, the gong with lights around it, the dancing people in Yeti costumes, Mr Coyne singing a song on the shoulders of a man dressed as a gorilla. It can only be the Flaming Lips. The entrance is so tremendous that when they launch into ‘Race for the Prize’ you know it can’t get any better than this.
My mind was really racing with ideas about what I should really be doing with life, one concerned itself with a club called the hello club where everyone dresses up and looks really psychedelic and strange, like when you first go to a club that plays good music and you see people with bowlie haircuts and flowery shirts, and you think where did these people come from? I’ve never seen anyone this strange walking the streets. Do they only come out at night? There's no way anyone would employ these people, how do they get money? I wanted a part of that when I was a teenager going to work every morning. And that’s what I got in the 90s. I remember walking down Bold Street on a friday afternoon in 1992 with my friend Dan, and being asked where we got our sixties gear, by a couple of local lads, because they were going to a fancy dress party. I had a big pair of 22" flared blue cords on at the time. I think they thought we were going to some fancy dress do too.
It's funny, you go to a concert or a festival and when it's really magical and captivating you think I don’t want to leave but when I do the world will be different. But the band exits the stage, the roadies come out and start packing away the gear and you’re left with a stage full of confetti. You want to leave with the band, onto the next place, but for some reason you can’t. But in your head the world has changed, at least for a little while. I used to try and keep things going, by heading off to the pub, but tonight is a school night, so it’s home to bed.
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