Tracy's Uncle Alan comes to visit and we are late when we meet him in Covent Garden. I think a place fades the more you live in it; you just stop noticing things. When we meet him he's buzzing about a juggler he's just seen who, dressed in only a pair of shorts, juggled a sword, a cricket ball and a chainsaw. All I saw was the back of the head of the idiot who tuts on the tube when the driver announces a delay. We go off for a delicious meal and then to the Duke of York's theatre where we are getting scared by the sights, and (mainly) sounds of Ghost stories. I need a holiday, but until then visits to fictional worlds will do me just fine.
Tracy has this idea of a cinema club where a group of us watch a film every Sunday night. It's the perfect night for films. It cushions you nicely against the Sunday night blues as work approaches on the Monday, giving you another world to escape into. The cinema club will be like Moviedrome but without Alex Cox. Do you remember Moviedrome? It was ace, it ran in the late eighties, early nineties, and on Sunday nights Alex Cox would introduce a cult classic. He had a real passion for the films and lots of facts which would draw you in and make you look forward to the film. He had an odd accent, kind of half Scouse, half LA. Whatever happened to him? I saw him in the Everyman in Liverpool one time years ago.
It's funny, I googled Moviedrome and they had a selection of the films played. I didn't recognise the names of very many of them, yet, in my mind at least, I used to watch those films every week. It was a last release from the drabness of the working week. Maybe Alex Cox needs something to do on a Sunday night, and could come and introduce the films at our (currently imagined) cinema club.
Although we had a film at the ready, but not the audience, we didn't see a film on Sunday.
I met Alex Cox once in Liverpool - when FACT opened. He was so energetic and enthusiastic.. though I did wonder how he could have made any films at all, he couldn't stand still for a second. Just the kind of maverick you want as a director!